Why Your Child Should Learn To Ride A Bike With Clancy Briggs
Teaching a child how to ride a bike can be a challenge.
As parents we often struggle to find the time or the energy to give our children what they need to be able to learn to ride successfully.
It also isn’t always easy to know when a child is ready to learn and if you have more than one child, there can be tears and frustration as children learn to do things at different paces.

The Clancy Briggs Cycling Academy offers a traffic-free, safe, group environment that encourages learning and development, rewarding commitment and development as part of their journey.
Your child will become part of a group that learns to play at cycling together, rewarding each other and spurring each other onwards as they acquire new skills and abilities.
Here’s a quick summary of why it’s a good idea to turn to professionals, such as The Clancy Briggs Cycling Academy, to get kids bike skills up and running.
1. We have the technical expertise
How long should my child be on a balance bike for? Should we use stabilisers? How can I get my child’s feet off the ground long enough to ride? How big should my child’s bike be? Should they be able to put their feet flat on the floor when stationary?
We hear these questions all the time and the answers will depend on the capability of the child and a number of other variables.
Unfortunately, being able to ride a bike does not necessarily qualify you to teach another person. Even though many parents can ride well themselves, they won’t always have the skills to get their kids safely on to two wheels. And that’s totally ok! It’s exactly the reason why people learn to drive with an instructor rather than their parents, even the best drivers don’t necessarily make the best teachers.
Clancy Briggs Co-Founder, Graham Briggs, explains more:
“I’m a parent and I totally understand why it’s helpful to send your child to a professional instructor when learning a new skill. We find that children who come to the academy are generally more determined without the distractions of being at home in their usual surroundings. As coaches, we have technical expertise and lots of tricks up our sleeves to get the kids really focused on learning to ride”
2. We have the right kit
Maybe you’re not currently in a position to buy a bike for your child or children. Perhaps they’ve outgrown the last bike they had without mastering their bike skills. Or maybe you’re wondering if you remove the pedals on one child’s bike would it work as a balance bike for their younger sibling?
Whatever your kit challenge, we have the solution. We have academy bikes for any child that needs one and bike helmets too for safety.
And don’t forget, we have exactly the right surroundings for intrepid young cyclists to get themselves safely on two wheels. Our venues always provide plenty of traffic-free space and room for us to lay out any obstacles or ramps we need to give the kids plenty of variety during their practice.

3. We make the process quick and easy
From the minute your child arrives at the academy, they’ll be on their journey towards balancing on two wheels. They will learn how to balance quicker than you might imagine. What could have taken months or even longer to master at home, we’ve been known to achieve in just a few short sessions.
Then the sky’s the limit! After they complete the Balance bike class, they can move on to more advanced classes and even continue onto our Race course where they’ll learn about cornering, bunch riding and how to use their gears properly. How far your child goes with Clancy Briggs is entirely up to you and them - we’re even partnered with the British Cycling Talent Development Team to offer support for young cyclists looking to compete.
Children can join our classes at any age, even if they are already riding, as we have courses designed to suit all levels.
Clancy Briggs Co-Founder, Ed Clancy OBE, explains more:
“I’m so proud to be able to offer every child the chance to become the very best cyclist they can be. For some that may provide a lifelong hobby, but for others it may mean the chance to compete. My love of cycling has provided me with an exciting professional career - I’d love Clancy Briggs to be part of the success stories of future talent by giving them the skills they need to go far”
For more information about Clancy Briggs Courses, visit our Academy Page