Coronavirus: Our new class procedures to keep members, coaches and visitors safe
**UPDATE** Balance classes will re-open on Saturday 1st August 2020 **UPDATE**
All other classes re-opened at Doncaster Cycle Track on Saturday 4th July 2020.

We understand that this is a nerve racking time for us all as we take our first steps back to normality, and we’d like to reassure parents and our members that behind the scenes, we’ve been working with the Doncaster Cycle Track to ensure everyone attending the academy is as safe as possible.
Our coaches will have access to gels and wipes to ensure sufficient hand washing before, during and after all sessions.
We’re also implementing the following procedures to reduce the risk of our academy staff and members contracting or passing on the Covid-19 virus:
UPDATED Class Size information as at 24.07.20
In accordance with the very latest government guidelines, group sizes must be limited to small consistent groups of no more than 15 children to at least 1 coach.
We would like to reassure our parents and members that our internal ratios of 1 coach to 10 riders will remain in place.
With the exception of BALANCE, all other class sizes will be limited to 10 children in total.
Balance Class Update
Our BALANCE classes will be limited to 6 children per class with one parent required to be assisting each child. This means that the overall class size will be a maximum of 12 (6 children & 6 adults) with one coach. Adults who are assisting a child in BALANCE should ensure they are symptom free as per the guidance below. Activities in BALANCE will be more than 2 metres apart from other activities. Coaches in the BALANCE class will be supervising and providing instructions at socially distanced measures.
Before your class
You should only attend the academy if you and your child/ren are completely symptom free and there is no one else in your household with symptoms.
We will be in touch before your first class to communicate an ARRIVAL time in addition to the usual CLASS start time - this is to ensure no overcrowding as a result of everyone arriving at once.
Please be aware that the Doncaster Cycle Track team is responsible for the on-site facilities. We have agreed that the academy classes will have sole use of the external disabled toilet during classes. This toilet will be cleaned on an hourly basis by DCLT.
Please note that we will be unable to lend helmets until further notice so your child must have their own helmet that they can bring with them.
Wherever possible, please bring your own bike to your class. If this is not possible, we can make bikes available and these will have been cleaned thoroughly at the end of each session, especially the touch points such as the handlebars, brakes and seat.
Please remind your children that they should not lend their belongings to other class members.
Arriving for your class
Upon arrival, please make sure you take note of the signage in place at the track displaying social distancing information. 2m lines will indicate queue waiting points at intervals from the single entrance gate.
We respectfully request that only one adult attends with each child coming to a class. Wherever possible, adults should wait in their vehicles during the class. If this is not possible, there will be an external waiting area with no internal access. All adults should maintain the 2m rule at all times.
At arrival time the first group will move through the gate into the holding area (astro turf) where bays have been marked to keep the 2m rule. Adults should return to their cars at this point or go to the external waiting area.
Once the holding area has been cleared those arriving for the next class will be allowed to move in.
During your class

Coaches will collect children from the holding area and move them onto the track.
At the start of the class, the coach will remind children of the requirement to socially distance at 2m and indicate a semi circle showing the children how to space out for when the coach needs to address the class.
Even though there is enough space on the track to pass others whilst maintaining a 2m distance, we will be restricting classes to set zones for the time being.

All coaches will have access to gloves and face masks during classes. They will only be required to use these in the event that they have to break the 2m rule under the following circumstances:
- where first aid treatment is required
- during balance & learning sessions where children may need extra support
- during the use of higher risk equipment, such as ramps
At the end of your class
Class end times will be staggered to avoid overcrowding. Children will be returned to the double gates where parents will be asked to stay outside the fence line and wait for their child.
If you, your child/ren or anyone in your household displays symptoms or tests positive for Covid-19 after you leave the academy, you should not attend your next class until government guidance dictates it is safe to do so and you must contact [email protected] so that we may implement contact tracing, if appropriate.
Our instructions to the Clancy Briggs Team
We’ve provided our coaches and staff with the following guidelines to adhere to:
- There is a clear stay at home policy in place for anyone displaying symptoms for a minimum of 7 days once symptoms are shown.
- If an employee has someone in their household who tests positive for COVID19 they must stay at home for 14 days.
- Employees are encouraged to have a test for Covid-19 if they suspect they may have it and any positive test should be communicated to the academy promptly.
- Contact tracing will then be undertaken and any members or visitors to the academy who may be affected will be notified to be alert for their own symptoms and isolate as required.
- Employees who suspect symptoms should notify via email/text/phone and not face to face. If symptoms develop whilst coaching, they will leave the work area immediately and go home.
- Clancy Briggs team members have also been asked to avoid the use of public transport and instructed that they must not car or ride share
And finally, welcome back!
Now all the formalities are out of the way, we can’t wait to see you back at the academy so we can all have fun on our bikes again.
Not yet signed up for our academy classes? Visit our academy page for more details